Education at Green Mountain College

“Our nation is facing a literacy crisis. The United States government estimates that roughly 25% of the adult population in this country is functionally illiterate. It has been acknowledged that if students do not learn to read by the time they enter 3rd grade there is only a 1 in 17 chance that they will ever catch up to their typically developing peers. The future of our nation depends heavily on its children. Here at Green Mountain College we offer training for pre-service teachers in the area of language and literacy that is cutting edge and heavily influenced not only by theory, but backed by research. Elementary education majors graduate from our program ready to teach children to read. This is an advantage that we are proud to say that we offer here at G.M.C. Green Mountain College is a pioneer in the field of teacher preparation." - Rommy Fuller

Friday, September 18, 2015

Definitions Assignment

It's hard to believe that the fall is upon us and we are mucking through yet another wonderful semester.  I am so VERY happy to have a small group this time around for LLI and I am thrilled that all of you are hard workers.  Enjoy each other this semester!  Here is a formal description of the "Definitions" assignment:

Create a Prezi that defines (in your own words) each term below.  Make sure that you are recasting the formal definition in a way that makes sense to you, but also captures the true meaning of the term. Provide an example of each term, and include a visual image to represent each term.  You might find it helpful to include the formal definition and then your recast below it.  One example is from Emily's project, which she has submitted early:

consonant (n) 
one of a class of speech sounds characterized by constriction or closure at one point or more points in the breath channel (Merriam-Webster)   
Recast:a phoneme spoken using the teeth, lips, and / or tongue, in the English language
Example: letter in the English language excluding a, e, i, o, u

List of terms: phonemes, phonemic awareness, phonology, phonetics, phonics, decoding, encoding, vowel, consonant, morpheme, morphology,fluency, semantics, lexicon, syntax, pragmatics, orthography, grapheme, fluency

Good luck!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Tech Projects

Students in The Exceptional Child, I am excited to review your tech projects!  Here we gooooo....

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