Education at Green Mountain College

“Our nation is facing a literacy crisis. The United States government estimates that roughly 25% of the adult population in this country is functionally illiterate. It has been acknowledged that if students do not learn to read by the time they enter 3rd grade there is only a 1 in 17 chance that they will ever catch up to their typically developing peers. The future of our nation depends heavily on its children. Here at Green Mountain College we offer training for pre-service teachers in the area of language and literacy that is cutting edge and heavily influenced not only by theory, but backed by research. Elementary education majors graduate from our program ready to teach children to read. This is an advantage that we are proud to say that we offer here at G.M.C. Green Mountain College is a pioneer in the field of teacher preparation." - Rommy Fuller

Friday, September 7, 2012


Social Studies Methods:

Last week I asked you to read chapter two in the Parker text which is centered on teaching diverse children.  Much can be learned from that chapter and I sincerely hope that your journey in considering and understanding the complexity of the students in your classroom will be one that you are always revisiting.  Please come to class on Tuesday, September 4th with 3-5 questions that you would like to pose to the group that you have identified in connection with chapter two.  Also, if you have an existing blog you should have updated it for today.  Be sure that you have updated it once more by the 14th.  A possible prompt is as follows:  What is meant in saying that "Good teachers walk a sensible path between ignoring diversity and being immobilized by it"?  If you choose to answer this prompt it will probably be helpful for you to include the prompt and the response on your post so that readers know why you have responded in the way that you did.

Cultural Knapsack Paper:
Some of the key concepts that can be identified in the Parker text are: demography, race, social class, ethnicity, culture, religion, language and dialect, gender, sexual orientation, gift and challenges, and multiple intelligences.  Reflect on your own background growing up to the age that you are now.  How have your personal life experiences shaped who you are, how you think, and how you believe you will perceive and interact with your students?  Walk me through a brief journey of your life and how it will influence you as a teacher in decision making and in relating to your students.  This paper should be no more than 3 pages, double spaced, and ABSOLUTELY FREE OF ERRORS.  It is due EITHER on Tuesday, September 11, or Friday, September 14th. 

Praxis presenters for next Friday- be sure that you have the assigned reading ready to hand out Tuesday.  Set the bar for us with your presentation!   

Readings: Due Tuesday- Armstrong, Gardner, and Wilson articles

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